The final report of the PREVAC study was published, under the title: “PREVAC: Estimation of vaccination coverage and factors associated with vaccination against COVID-19 among populations in very precarious situations”. It was written by Epicentre and focuses on the evaluation of vaccination coverage and the determinants of success of the vaccination programme against COVID-19 among populations in very precarious situations which took place in Marseilles and Île-de- France.

This research follows the COVIDep-Homeless epidemiological study conducted with AP-HM and MDM in 2020/2021. This project was carried out by Santé Publique France (SPF), Épicentre (MSF) and Prospective and Cooperation in Marseilles with funding from: SPF, MSF, ANRS and ARS Île-de-France.

This survey received the national research priority label (CAPNET) and received the favorable opinion of the ethics committee (Comité de Protection des personnes d’Ile-de-France (CPP III, 2021-A01960-41)) .

The survey took place from 15th November to 20th December 2021 in Île-de-France (mainly in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis) and in Marseilles. The main results are detailed in the final report. The analysis relates to data by population in Ile-de-France and overall in Marseilles. The precarious populations of Marseilles have the lowest vaccination rates found (40%) compared to the populations of Ile-de-France or in comparison to the general population.

The SESSTIM laboratory, the Lassa and Prospective and Cooperation will carry out a more in-depth analysis on Marseilles. A social science research on the determinants linked to the refusal of vaccination by community was carried out in parallel and over the same period by researchers from the Lassa research laboratory. We therefore hope to have more detailed data on the different populations of people experiencing homelessness in Marseilles soon.

Read the final PREVAC report (in French)

Find out more on the Covidep Homeless project


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