Vincent-Wallaert-2-Copier-622x440VINCENT WALLAERT is Head of the Europe Department of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Métropole (MAMP).

He previously held, from 2013 to 2016, the position of Head of the Cooperation Unit at the Agency for sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories (AVITEM), while teaching territorial economics and project management in Masters at Aix-Marseille University and at Science Po Grenoble.

m lescaudronMARC LESCAUDRON is currently evaluator and trainer within Prospective & Cooperation. He was programme manager of abilities reinforcement of local actors in Western Africain the Mediterranean and in Latin America for 14 years. Within this context, he was in charge of feasibility studies, programmes’ conception and supervision.

He has a D.E.A in International Relations History from Sorbonne and the Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brezil), a Masters’ Degree in Organisations of Development’s Sociology in the IEDES (Institut d’Etudes du Développement Economique et Social- Paris I Sorbonne) and a Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Action and Law from Aix-Marseilles-University, lecturer in the Sorbonne- IEDES and in the Université d’Aix-Marseille since, he practices the principles of the active pedagogy and masters the tools of the participative institutional analysis.

Finally, he sponsored and led evaluations for several ONG and international organisations in Africa, in the Mediterranean and Asia.

Jean GaudartJEAN GAUDART is a doctor, specialist in Public Health and Professor in Biostatistics. His research focuses on analyzing the spatio-temporal dynamics of epidemics, particularly malaria and cholera. In particular, he developed mathematical models to assess the relationship between transmission, especially malaria, and various factors such as the environment, economic behaviour and mobility.

He has been working closely for about 16 years with the Malaria Research and Training Centre (MRTC) in Bamako, Mali (Pr Ogobara Doumbo), and he currently leads the Epidemic Dynamics and Territory research axis within the UMR912. He is also responsible for a Master’s degree in Public Health, Societies, Developments (Aix Marseille University, distance learning), with nearly 60 students per year, and is a PhD supervisor for doctoral students from many countries (Mali , Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo), in collaboration with local research partners.

ELISABETH DORIER is a geographer, professor at Aix-Marseille University, researcher at the LPED (Population Environment Development), specialised in urban socio-environmental approaches, former member of the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France).

After a PhD on Brazzaville, “Environment and health in Brazzaville, Congo: from urban ecology to social geography“, she gets qualified to become a professor with a work on “Urban societies and environment in African cities” where she mobilizes her work on urban governance in Benin, Congo and Mali.

From 2011 to 2020, as part of a partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Action, the AfDB and the AFD, she conducted a series of sectoral and territorial diagnoses based on direct surveys in the areas most affected by the wars in Congo Brazzaville, before piloting studies on territorial poverty in this country.

In Marseilles, where she lives, following the same methodology that combines field research and statistical mapping, she has been involved since 2018, in connection with the Abbé Pierre foundation and the HCLPD (High Committee for the Housing of Disadvantaged Persons), in the construction of a GIS and a cartographic follow-up of the issues of poor housing, emergency evacuations and social housing.

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