Continuing education of health and social professionals:
  • Action training for SOS MEDITERRANEE teams in developing a 2024 operational strategy
  • Action training for ANCRAGES association’s teams: “Improving visibility and sourcing of trainees” and “Training to a multifactorial approach to discrimination”, Fondation de France
  • Training of staff in charge of a “young migrant” public (reception centre for asylum seekers, children’s home open to isolated foreign minors, employment support service for statutory refugees) to the “impacts of the major geopolitical issues on the hosted public”, “to the history and current issues of migration in the world”, to the “evolutions and interactions of social work and popular education in France”, to “issues of health and migration” and “to the care of mental suffering in an institution”, “The notion of “work”, between socio-cultural legacy and contemporary upheavals”, and to the “geopolitics of migration territories”, Association d’Aide aux Jeunes Travailleurs (AAJT whose aim is to assit and guide young workers)
  • Training of the supervising staff and the hospital nursing staff and health centres of Soum to the project cycle management, elaboration and animation of the training module, improvement of maternal and infantile care programme for the Arkhangai population (Mongolia), Mongol Ministry of Health Santé Sud, Tstetserleg, Mongolia

Continuing training of actors of international solidarity:
  • Training of InterAide teams for the integration of gender issues in development programmes, France, Malawi
  • Territoires Solidaires (multi-stakeholder network of international solidarity in the PACA region):
    • training about the issues of international solidarity;
    • training about interculturality in the design and implementation of development projects;
    • training about project design and fundraising;
    • training about monitoring and evaluation of international solidarity projects
  • Methodological support for the creation of a training module and its realization within the network of departmental delegations of Terre des Hommes France (TDHF) on the  approach of  rights in the framework of development projects, Lyon, France
  • Project cycle training for medical referrals, HumaniTerra International, Marseille, France.

Training of academics and researchers:
  • International researchers training of the PARRAF network (Programme d’Appui à la Recherche en Réseau en Afrique, a research network in Africa), to « research marketing » and to « The expert report valorisation », IRD, Bondy, France
  • CEO and academics of Mali training and awareness to the Licence Master Doctorate reform, design office CECOFORMA/ The West African Economic and Monetary Union, Bamako, Mali

Continuing education for other audiences
  • Acompanhamento das equipas das IES nos projetos de elaboração e implementação de cursos de pós-graduação subvencionados pelo programa UNI.AO / Support, training and mentoring of teams from Angolan Higher Education Institutions in the development and implementation of their post-graduation course projects funded by the UNIAO programme, Angola, Expertise France, EU, Angolan Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • Public health training in Burkina Faso for the “Capacities strengthening of the ministry of health‘s actors in the processing and analysis of data with R and Satscan software (e-health)”
  • Capacity building mission for 20 cultural operators and creative associations in Morocco and Tunisia within the framework of the “Development of young people’s creative skills” programme supported by the DROSOS Foundation

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