Prospective and Cooperation involves a contributors’ network with a great variety of complementary expertise, skills and know-how. This allows mobilising the appropriate teams in order to meet development and cooperation operators’ needs in training with flexibility and creativity according to different format.

Continuous education

“Professional trainings”:

long training focused on a profession. This type of training has approximately a hundred hours of classes over several months. These trainings are intended for people wishing to acquire or deepen basic skills in relation with positions of project manager in the areas of:
  • Territorial development
  • Humanitarian action and international cooperation
  • Activities creation in the social economy area

“Focus training”:

short trainings, between 2 to 30 hours, on specific subjects to enrich existing professional profile, with training modules focused on specific subjects:
  • Project management
  • Participation and mobilisation
  • Geopolitics
  • Interculturality and geographic specialities
  • Territorial economy and local development
  • Social economy project
  • Economic incubator management
  • Cultural actions

Initial Training

These trainings are associated with universities. These include:

  • “Classic” trainings in the frame of different Professional Masters
  • Professional trainings in relation with an internship in an associated operational institution of Prospective & Cooperation
  • Welcoming Civic Service Volunteer(VSC) and International Solidarity Volunteers (VSI)
  • Welcoming PhD students preparing CIFRE-CIR (Contrat Formation Recherche en Entreprise- Crédit Impôt Recherche) thesis

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