They are a hundred and thirty five in the 5 circles that makes up the association. Regularly the members’ own networks join us by co-optation. This way of recruitment ensures new co-operators and sympathizers’ both seriousness and skills.

These 5 concentric circles are:

board of directors

the broader commission of co-operators and partners (members with up-to-date subscription)

the restricted college of co-operators


transversal and thematic working groups

They are involved in the following activities:

  • Think Tanks
  • Support-Advice
  • Training
  • Education for Development
  • Communication

Complementary skills and common interest

Prospective & Cooperation founds the sustainability of its commitment and its associative life on complementary skills and interests that come across and reinforce each other.

Thus, without being exhaustive, the following list may serve as a basis for defining Prospective & Cooperation’s interactions network:

  • Complementary profiles and institutions allowing to offer multidisciplinary and collective approach;
  • Complementary networks, in terms of disciplines, professionals and geographical areas;
  • The collective ability to bring projects to be shared or exchanged;
  • The dissemination of information on existing opportunities, and of knowledge through think tanks and training;
  • The access to new specific resources, either thematic, geographic or legally reserved;
  • The possibility to cross roles and grounds (teachers evaluate action, actors teach within initial or continuous training)

This list gets broader through the association’s concrete activities. This is how collective interest grows, greater than the sum of individual interests.

Geographically, these co-operators and sympathizers are located in:

  • Europe: in Marseille, Montpellier, Paris, Antwerp, Brussels, Bordeaux, Vendée
  • Africa: in Tunis, Dakar, Lomé, Nouakchott, Ouagadougou, Harare
  • America: in Port-au-Prince, Montreal, Belem, Salvador da Bahia, Rio de Janeiro
  • Asia: in Kathmandu, Phnom-Penh

Today, 4 cities are heads of network: Marseille, Rio, Dakar and Harare.


A flexible & variable geometry commitment:

Within the members, called co-operators, each individual involvement is structured in concentric circles, keeping a great flexibility in the commitment according to the following terms:

  • A regular paid participation (consultancy or employment) or voluntary(implication in working groups, in management and administration, in the college of restricted co-operators, in the Strategic Orientation Coummittee and in the Bureau)
  • A punctual paid participation (Consultancy) or voluntary (reflections, exchanges, debates, policy notes publications, contacts…)
  • At a minimal level, a follow up of current activities…

This flexibility is reflected in the governance by concentric circles of involvement (described earlier) and also allows a movement among circles as well as between volunteer or paid, punctual or permanent.

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