“Si Marseille a beaucoup fait parler d’elle depuis le début de la pandémie, le travail mené par ses acteurs médico-sociaux est bien souvent resté dans l’ombre. Cet article permet de mesurer leur engagement. Surtout, rassemblant de multiples compétences autour de l’anthropologue Olivia Nevissas, il permet de poser les termes d’un possible renouvellement de la pratique humanitaire.”
If Marseilles got her name many times in the papers since the pandemic started, the work carried out by its medico-social actors has very often remained behind the scenes. This article measures their commitment. Above all, gathering multiple skills around the anthropologist Olivia Nevissas, it allows to set the terms for a possible renewal of humanitarian practice.

Alternatives Humanitaires tells the impact of Covid-19 on the representation and practice of emergency humanitarian action through the Covidep Homeless project, co-led by Prospective and Cooperation, in an article: “People in situations of homelessness facing Covid-19: study on the elements of a humanitarian praxis among associative actors in Marseille“.

Read the article (in French)

Read more about the Covidep Homeless project, and other published resources

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