• “TRANSVERSAL, actions of integration of Peruvian territory”, Peru, Catholic University of Louvain, University of Liège, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • “Support for epidemiological surveillance networks of animal diseases and related sociological aspects in West Africa”, Burkina Faso, University of Liège, CIRDES-University of Bobo Dioulasso
  • “Establishment of a competence centre (research and training) in the field of Electrochemistry and Protection of metallic substrates within the Institute of Tropical Technology (ITT) of the Academy of Sciences and Technology from Vietnam to Hanoi », University of Mons
  • “Characterization and valorization of Foumban clays (West Cameroon)”, University of Liège, University of Dschang-Yaoundé
  • “Improvement of the quality of mud brick housing in Burkina Faso”, University of Liège, University of Ouagadougou

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