This first workshop-debate of the 2015-2017 cycle questions the use of networks in the field of international cooperation and development aid. It focuses in particular on the transformations implied by the progress made in the ICT field. In fact, the increase of expression spaces and the generalized use of social, personal or professional networks, significantly change the way collective action is concretized.

The notion of network given by ICT practices needs to be questioned:

  • What is, nowadays, the added value of a formalized network?
  • Are social networks sufficient to maintain a political foundation for development actions?
  • How to approach the traditional issues raised when working within networks: is a network just a new entity?
  • How to ensure its financing? Which governance can foster the sharing of responsibilities?
  • Which perspectives ICT open?
  • Does the increase of networks at all levels of our daily life has an effect on political awareness?

These debates will rely on five specific case studies.


  • Benjamin BUCLET, Centre de Recherche et d’Expertise sur l’Education et le Développement, CREED:  “The civil society organized in networks: a pan-amazonian case study”
  • Cécile ELIZALDE, Territoires Solidaires, network of International Solidarity actors in the PACA region et Catherine SIMO, Mediterranean Commission of United Cities and Local Governments-UCLG: “From local to global, what needs does the network respond to?”
  • Marc MERCIER, EuroMed France network: “How to enlarge the system without exceeding dimension? Territorial solidarities and multi-stakeholder network: building collective meaning”
  • Antoine BRICOUT, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement-IRD, Programme d’Appui à la Recherche en Réseau en Afrique- PARRAF: “Research in network, specificities and political commitment in the scientific field”


  • Marc LESCAUDRON, Prospective and Cooperation

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